Kevin Kögler

Hi There! I am Kevin Kögler and this is my personal website 😊



Am Campus 1

Klosterneuburg, 3400

Currently I am a PhD student at ISTA. I am very fortunate to be supervised by Professor Marco Mondelli. My current research interests are

  • High-Dimensional Non-Convex Optimization (neural networks trained with GD)
  • High-Dimensional Inference (AMP algorithms)

Before joining ISTA I obtained a bachelors and masters in mathematics at LMU Munich. During my master thesis I was supervised by Professor Phan Thành Nam.

Outside of research I also enjoy

  • cold training, see here for some interesting science
  • yoga with a focus on meditation, see here for a complete system
  • reading and writing fantasy as well as incorperating AI tools in the creative process

Selected Publications

  1. ICML
    Fundamental limits of two-layer autoencoders, and achieving them with gradient methods
    Aleksandr Shevchenko, Kevin Kögler, Hamed Hassani, and Marco Mondelli
    In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2023
  2. ICML
    Estimation in rotationally invariant generalized linear models via approximate message passing
    Ramji Venkataramanan, Kevin Kögler, and Marco Mondelli
    In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022
  3. The Lieb–Thirring inequality for interacting systems in strong-coupling limit
    Kevin Kögler, and Phan Thành Nam
    Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2021